Welcome to AdminToArchitect!

It’s been in the works for several months but now we have a home for the 50,000+ students that have taken my courses. More content is on it’s way that focuses on the business and technical architecture of Salesforce. The new site allows us to be more flexible on how we offer Salesforce content and allowing you to have a better experience learning and testing your knowledge. With the new courses, we are introducing timed mock tests so that the tests are as real as we can make them so you can be fully prepared. We’re including additional content with the videos so that you can see references to Salesforce documentation as well as a richer practice test experience with more information on why the answer was incorrect and where to find more information.
This is a soft launch so we’re not going to be shouting from the rooftops just yet, but please use the red feedback option if you do find any bugs or areas you want improvements! We’re all learning!
Thanks so much for the support so far!
Keep on learning!
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