London’s Calling 2024 Online Access


Watch online Salesforce experts worldwide in 9 tracks of sessions & support a good cause simultaneously.

939 in stock



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939 in stock


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Watch online Salesforce experts from around the world in 7 tracks of sessions during London’s Calling 2023 & support a good cause at the same time. What could be better?

1 Online Ticket = 60 Days Education to a Child in India*

EDUCATE A CHILD IN INDIAGive a child from Tantei Malika Sahi the opportunity to break free from the vicious cycle of poverty by sponsoring them to attend school and providing necessary educational materials such as books and uniforms of good quality. Due to poverty and ignorance about the importance of education, many parents cannot afford to and do not send their children to school, resulting in many children becoming child labourers. Your support sponsors a child’s education costs, encouraging parents to enrol their children on schools and helping children maximize their innate potential.

* Based on the estimated average order amount (eg currency purchase and bank fees may alter this amount)